Een Tesla inparkeren kan iedereen
Een Tesla inparkeren kan iedereen
Gerrien's book
If leadership is so crucial to the success of a digital transformation, why aren’t many more transformations successful? How do you as a manager and professional take charge of your job and your career?
Digital transformation is the transition to a different business model or integrated way of organising, in which digital technologies play a dominant role.
This book is about how to be future-proof in a digital way and how you behave in this as a leader. Gerrien describes her vision on the basis of the Leadership Transformation Cycle® and the Hourglass Model®, so that you can lead with more pleasure and meaning and fulfil your role during a digital transformation in a contemporary and effective way.
You gain knowledge and insight into digital transformation and the book places context in the future of work and personal leadership. It offers tools for leaders to get started themselves, resulting in successful teams and organisations.
What can you expect?
Knowledge and understanding of leadership in digital transition
Part 1 gives an overview of what the digital transformation means, what the consequences and future developments are and how it affects the role of the manager and his team. It looks at the why of the digital transformation. It looks from the outside in and introduces external developments and trends using current theories, insights and appealing examples.
Context leadership in digital transition and the future of work
Leadership in digital transition
In part three, insights from the first and second part are translated into how the manager deals with the changes in his work and successfully applies them to get his team moving. After establishing focus, it is now a question of taking control. Part three is about the how of digital transition and the personal style of the manager in effectively leading his team.