Non-Executive Director
Gerrien is a non-executive board member and member of the remuneration committee of Examenkamer, which independently guarantees the quality of exams and examinations as a supervisor for every sector and every industry. She is a member of the supervisory board, member of the audit committee and chair of the Schoolfonds of Marnix College. She is also a member of the PE committee of the Erasmus Governance Institute, Erasmus University. Gerrien specializes in HR, organizational development, legal and governance.
Previously, Gerrien was an elected member of the NCD Member Council, Dutch Association of Commissioners and Directors, member of the supervisory board at the GAZO Foundation, a primary healthcare organization, and a member of the supervisory board of the Leprosy Foundation. Within her non-executive directorships, she is chairman of the remuneration committee, specializing in HR, legal & governance and organizational development.

With board advisory, Gerrien focuses on corporate governance, the role of the board of (non-) executive directors in long-term value creation. Boardroom dynamics and self-evaluation, bias, independence, transparency and diversity are recurring topics. The combination of behavioral aspects and soft and hard controls makes a board more effective and better able to manage risk.
In an increasingly digitalized world, (non-) executive directors must continue to focus on human values to ensure their organization is successful. This requires attention to other qualities, such as understanding how technology and people strengthen each other and create added value. It is the responsibility of supervisory directors to put long-term value creation on the agenda and make it explicit in their discussions with the board. The employer’s role should focus on boardroom dynamics, remuneration policy and organizational culture.
'Een Tesla inparkeren kan iedereen' over leiderschap in digitale transformatie about digital transformation and leadership, is a hot topic in (n0n-) executive boards.