Giving direction to an organisation raises questions about the leadership vision. We help organisations to prepare for changes in the context of digital transformation, in a way that does justice to their organisation. We ask questions like: what are you facing and how does it influence your company’s strategy, HR strategy and organisational culture? Leadership is not an end in itself: it is also a tool to guide and accelerate transformations. The pandemic has increased the pace of digital change, yet many of our clients are concerned that they are falling behind in making important choices that lead to digital transformation. The future belongs to the leader who understands, drives and advances agile processes and digitalisation. Successful leaders understand how to make different teams work together so that the organisation becomes more than the sum of its parts.
Once the direction of the organisation has been determined, it can be further strengthened with leiderschapsontwikkeling, which is about developing people and managing for results. Eand lifelong learning with phased careers and agile working and development paths, together with a learning culture, are success factors for transformation. Employees’ chances of joining are improved by helping them to increase their agility and adaptability so that they can be deployed more sustainably.
A leader who is about to take a new step in his/her career, or a leader who will lead the organisation through new challenges; we adviseren and coach them in implementing organisational change or reorganisation and merger. We strengthen leadership to connect employees and teams in the best possible way. They gain more insight into their qualities and ambitions and discover their own unique way of leading with inspiration and impact with the help of training-on-the-job, Solution-focused coaching and leadership development.
Sometimes conflicts and disagreements need to be addressed first. A conflict in itself is not the problem, problems only arise if they are not resolved. We offer legal mediation and Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR), an effective tailor-made solution to conflicts. This is a process in which parties in conflict let themselves be supported by an independent mediator in resolving their conflict. In this way, better solutions to problems are found and conflicts are avoided in the future.